Saturday, October 1, 2011

Queen off promise

This day has been great! As I sad I went to town with Ida<3 and Cämi<3 for a wile. Then I came home, did some test reading and waited for Heidi to come from her football game. She left like an hour ago. Hihhiiii now I seriously off to bed. Aaaaah sleeping with music in my ears, thats the only way to get sleep now a days....won`t probably blog tomorrow cause I really need to read to the test.....yeah, then I also took a pic from the stuff that i bought in town today. Love them and YOU <3

Black jeans HM/ Polo knit GinaTricot/ Sweater HM and earrings GinaTricot = 50 euro         


  1. left like an hour ago... och kom typ 2 timmar sent hem hupsiiis, de va ditt fel ! : D

  2. mmm...joo sejjee den som svor varje gång kännyn pipa :D
