Tuesday, April 24, 2012


 Hehheheheheh found an old post that i should have posted like half year ago.....

Today was so fun. Hihhhiii first (when we should have been in school) me and cassu met upp with Heidi and Sofa in coffee house and chilled there until cassu and Heidi left to their lesson...me and sofa decided to go to Hese for fries and hang in town. After the school ended we met up with Heidi before she left home. Then I thought it would probably be god to go home and fix some homework stuff and so on, but an hour after Heidi left I found myself sitting in the buss on my way to Sofas place. Hihiii we had so much fun!! The store trip, the umberella leftings and Mulan. Hihiii du e baa så härli <3 heh...o faan man haa roolit ALLTI :D hahha just added the pic!

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