Monday, March 26, 2012

Summer come now!

Going to now do this kind of summer plans post !! hih I long for summer...for all the warm summer nights...for everything actually! So I haven't told you guys but the week school starts me, Heidi, Camppu and Freddu are going to go on this festival called weekend festival and it's going to be great! I think I'm also visiting Ruissi with Sofa if the plan works! Here is my list of the things I'm going to do this summer: get a tattoo after I got my pay, listen to Rebecca & Fiona whole summer (again :D), eat sushi until I die, do the bad habit, beachbeach, buy a lot of shorts, buy a new skateboard and let my hair grow long again, visit London with mum, go to lintsi, drink, wear bikinis all summer and go on festival(s)!

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